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Реферат Корпоративный имидж (Advertising and public relations) скачать бесплатно

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Текст реферата Корпоративный имидж (Advertising and public relations)

Advertising and public relations.
D. Ogilvy explains necessity for good and steady image so:
1.      The mark with steady reputation provides constant volume of manufacture and incomes
growing from year to year. The steady mark is extraordinary hardy, and this property in due
course gives huge economy of means.
2.      The marks with steady reputation provide higher prices in the market and ready sale.
3.      The marks with steady reputation are hardier. In competitive struggle of the prices they
survive much more easy, than unstable marks. They a little that lose with occurrence of new
"star" and quickly restore the authority, as soon as the novelty aspect of the appeared goods
begins to weaken.
4.      The marks with steady reputation give more, than from them they expect bring significant
arrived on each dollar, enclosed in them.
5.      The marks with steady reputation are always ready to approach. They always can expand
spheres of the influence.
6.      The marks with steady reputation use special wholesaler's love. And not only wholesalers, and
all others - distributors, customers, packers...
7.      The marks with steady reputation raise actives of the company, which owns them.
8.      The marks with steady reputation work on saving your time, money and energy. "They will
help you to transfer temporary failures.
The advertising is understood as is open the, relations, sponsored and paid by the seller, between it and buyer. Certainly, as well as at public relations, purpose of advertising - to influence public opinion. However this purpose is usually reached through open efforts on sale of the goods or services of firm. " The Advertising is a printed, hand-written, oral or graphic notification about the person, goods, services or public movement, is open outgoing from the advertiser and paid by him with the purpose of increase of selling, expansion of clientele, reception of votes or public approval ". As a rule, when speak, that the advertising is included into sphere PR, mean corporate advertising. There are some types of corporate advertising, including advertising of public relations, firm advertising, advertising on creation of distinctive image and advertising for attraction of fresh forces.
The advertising of public relations is a kind of corporate advertising and is used when the firm wants directly to communicate with the buyers to express the feelings or to emphasize the point of view. When the firm makes a decision to replace the name, trade marks, trade marks or firm spelling, and also in case of merge to other large company it uses advertising on maintenance of firm style. Last years by the term "corporate advertising" have begun